KONE People Flow Ecosystem partners

Find out more about our partners below.

Partner solutions

The KONE Partner Ecosystem is a network of innovative solution providers with a common goal – to ensure smooth people flow and the best possible user experience in and in between buildings. The ecosystem is growing all the time, bringing new smart-building solutions for everything from accessibility and parking to entertainment and security – all of which can be easily integrated with KONE People Flow solutions and KONE smart lifts.

KONE People Flow Ecosystem partners


Soundtrack Your Brand

KONE presents Soundtrack Your Brand. Music is a great way to enhance your building’s user experience. Music can improve workplace satisfaction, set the right mood for retail and make the hotel experience memorable. Elevator music has never sounded better!

Learn more about Soundtrack Your Brand

KONE People Flow Ecosystem partners

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Jeeves by Robotise

Wow your hotel guests and add an extra touch of convenience with exciting new services. Jeeves is a service robot for the hospitality industry that takes care of room service, room shopping, minibar and infotainment services – and more.

Learn more about Jeeves by Robotise

KONE People Flow Ecosystem partners

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The Systam visitor management system helps your building make a first impression that lasts by providing a smooth visitor experience without compromising security.

Learn more about Systam

KONE People Flow Ecosystem partners

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Relay by Savioke

Relay, a delivery robot designed for the hospitality industry and hospitals, delivers food and amenities. In hospitality applications It can help to boost occupancy and therefore revenue, while in the medical segment it provides traceable chain-of-custody delivery while increasing productivity, saving labour costs and improving patient care.

Learn more about Relay by Savioke

KONE People Flow Ecosystem partners

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Amazon Alexa

Alexa is a virtual assistant service embedded into products such as Amazon Echo Bluetooth speakers. Tenants living in buildings equipped with KONE Residential Flow can use devices equipped with Amazon Alexa technology to pre-order a lift when leaving their apartment to avoid waiting.

KONE People Flow Ecosystem partners

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iLOQ’s self-powered digital and mobile locking solutions provide a unique way of making life accessible. They ensure state-of-the-art security, simplified administration and lifecycle cost savings, and are tested and approved by security organisations. The iLOQ S10 battery- and cable-free system is now compatible with KONE API Services. iLOQ Online expands the offline locking system into a remote-controlled access management system. Remote controlled lock cylinders, RFID and PIN code readers and time-controlled electronic doors can be added to the same system locking solution, and they seamlessly interact with KONE MonoSpace® DX lifts for a touch of added convenience.

Learn more about iLOQ

Related topics

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Functional, durable materials

Design a healthy and hygienic lift car interior that’s easier than ever to clean, maintain, and keep looking its best with our new range of innovative materials, including smart-surface laminates and anti-stain and anti-microscratch surfaces.

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KONE infotainment solutions

From infotainment screens to magic mirrors for media content, KONE DX Class lifts offer a host of different ways to inform, entertain, and inspire passengers.

Get in touch

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Sample form



My query is about *|Installing new equipment in a new building|Installing new equipment in an existing building|Repairing or upgrading existing equipment|Maintenance|24/7 Connected Services|Other
Equipment/service type *|Elevators|Autowalks|Escalators|Doors|Advanced People Flow solutions|People Flow planning|Other
Equipment/service type *|Elevators|Autowalks|Escalators|Advanced People Flow solutions|People Flow planning|Other

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